Saturday, May 27, 2017

Caro-Kann: 1.e4 c6

Caro-Kann: 1.e4 c6 in Chess Opening includes 120 analyzed games. This expanded version includes updated commentary and an Index Names to Games. The author tells stories and explains the chess opening strategy and tactics. Win in the Caro-Kann Defence. Be active! Punish your opponent. Play an opening used by almost every world champion.

Tim Sawyer played most of the games against masters, experts, and club players. The author shows you typical examples in this proven defence. Follow ideas to surprise your opponent and win. This book covers all the main variations after 1.e4 c6 2.d4 d5. That includes the 3.Nc3 Classical, 3.exd5 Exchange and Panov, 3.e5 Advance and the 3.f3 Fantasy Variation. Also included is the Blackmar-Diemer Gambit O’Kelly variation. Examine possibilities from main lines to gambits. Find creative ideas and ways to improve. Enjoy this book!

Author Updates
Tim Sawyer Author Updates email covers updates on my books (not chess).

Chess Training Repertoire email sent at 11:45 AM Eastern time Thursday.

Playing Chess Openings is my chess blog.

French Defence: 1.e4 e6

French Defence: 1.e4 e6 in Chess Openings includes 122 analyzed games. You want to win in the French Defence. Spice up your play with the Alapin Diemer Gambit. Discover new ideas in the Advance Variation. Choose the Classical, MacCutcheon or French Winawer. Focus on active piece play with the Tarrasch Variation. Boldly try to transpose to the Blackmar-Diemer Gambit in answer to the Burn Variation. Most games see White playing 3.Be3, 3.Nd2 or 3.Nc3.

The author played games against masters, experts and club players. He shows you typical examples in this proven defence with analysis checked by chess engines. Follow ideas to surprise your opponent and win. The games tell stories about fascinating chess players. Examine a variety of openings from main lines to gambits. Find creative ideas and ways to improve. Enjoy this book!

Author Updates
Tim Sawyer Author Updates email covers updates on my books (not chess).

Chess Training Repertoire email sent at 11:45 AM Eastern time Thursday.

Playing Chess Openings is my chess blog.

Sicilian Defence: 1.e4 c5

Sicilian Defence: 1.e4 c5 in Chess Openings includes 112 analyzed games. This expanded version has updated commentary and an Index of Names to Games. This book covers this most popular chess opening, especially the Najdorf, Dragon, and Sveshnikov variations. Also included are the 2.c3 Alapin, 2.d4 Smith-Morra Gambit, 2.Nc3 Closed or Grand Prix variations, 2.b4 Wing Gambit, and others.

The author played most of these games against masters, experts and club players over 45 years of play. The author shows examples of typical variations. Of special note is the Blackmar-Diemer Gambit Declined Sicilian Defence. One position occurs in both openings after 1.d4 d5 2.e4 c5 (BDG) or 1.e4 c5 2.d4 d5 (Sicilian Defense). Follow ideas to surprise your opponent and win. Enjoy this book!

Author Updates
Tim Sawyer Author Updates email covers updates on my books (not chess).

Chess Training Repertoire email sent at 11:45 AM Eastern time Thursday.

Playing Chess Openings is my chess blog.

King Pawn: 1.e4 e5 Open Games

King Pawn: 1.e4 e5 Open Games in Chess Openings covers sharp lines with fast tactics. Win quickly! The book has 202 games, updated commentary and an index of player names to the game numbers. Tim Sawyer shares adventures in these openings with stories from 45 years of play vs masters, experts, and club players. Tim provides you with opening insights on theory from main lines to gambits.

This book covers Vienna Game, King’s Gambit, Latvian Gambit, Italian Game, Ruy Lopez and others. Double King Pawn defenses are played by grandmasters from both sides of the board. You can find checkmate themes in all these openings. Related games are grouped together. You will find games full of interesting ideas. They provide creative ideas and ways to improve. Try it!

Author Updates
Tim Sawyer Author Updates email covers updates on my books (not chess).

Chess Training Repertoire email sent at 11:45 AM Eastern time Thursday.

Playing Chess Openings is my chess blog.

Blackmar-Diemer Games 2

Blackmar-Diemer Games 2 continues the Blackmar-Diemer Gambit adventure with Declined and Avoided lines! Tim Sawyer analyzes 225 games. This version includes a BDG classification, updated commentary, and an Index of Names to Games. The author tells stories and explains the chess opening strategy. This book contains Blackmar-Diemer Gambit Avoided lines after 1.d4 d5 2.e4 dxe4 such as Blackmar Gambit 3.f3, 3.Nc3 lines without 3...Nf6, Poehlmann 3.Nc3 f5, and Lemberger 3.Nc3 e5. The BDG Declined lines 3.Nc3 Nf6 4.f3 (without 4...exf3) include Caro-Kann O'Kelly 4.f3 c6, Vienna Defence 4.f3 Bf5, and others. The final chapter has 1.d4 Nf6 BDG Avoided lines such as the Sawyer Variation 2.f3 d5 3.e4 e6 4.Bg5 and the Huebsch Gambit after 2.Nc3 d5 3.e4 Nxe4 4.Nxe4 dxe4.

This is the second of the four Blackmar-Diemer Gambit volumes intended to replace the old BDG Keybooks. Blackmar-Diemer Games 2 covers the gambit declined in five chapters each with 10 sections. The games of Tartakower, Sawyer, Zilbermints, Quinones, and many more players provide creative ideas. They demonstrate how to win bold chess attacks with energy and success. Try it!

Author Updates
Tim Sawyer Author Updates email covers updates on my books (not chess).

Chess Training Repertoire email sent at 11:45 AM Eastern time Thursday.

Playing Chess Openings is my chess blog.

Blackmar-Diemer Games 1

Blackmar-Diemer Games 1 continues the Blackmar-Diemer Gambit adventure! This book demonstrates how to win in bold chess attacks with energy and success. Tim Sawyer analyzes 412 games. Blackmar-Diemer Games 1 includes a BDG classification structure, updated commentary, an Index of Players, and more. The games build toward the stronger lines. In the beginning, we see many quick White wins. Short victories are common in the Blackmar-Diemer. Popular lines come later.

You reach the BDG Accepted variations by 1.d4 d5 2.e4 dxe4 3.Nc3 Nf6 4.f3 exf3, or by transposition after 1.d4 Nf6 2.Nc3 d5 3.e4 dxe4, or by 1.e4 d5 2.d4, or with many other move orders. This book contains all Blackmar-Diemer Gambit Accepted lines: Ryder Variation 5.Qxf3, miscellaneous 5.Nxf3 lines; the Euwe 5.Nxf3 e6; the Bogoljubow 5.Nxf3 g6; the Gunderam 5.Nxf3 Bf5 and the always popular Teichmann 5.Nxf3 Bg4. This book has 100 games with 5.Qxf3 plus 312 games with 5.Nxf3. The games of Diemer, Tartakower, Sawyer, Purser, Zilbermints, Quinones, Penullar, Bond, and Bill Wall provide creative ideas. Try it! This is the first of four volumes planned on the Blackmar-Diemer Gambit. Taken as a whole, they replace my previous BDG Keybooks.

Author Updates
Tim Sawyer Author Updates email covers updates on my books (not chess).

Chess Training Repertoire email sent at 11:45 AM Eastern time Thursday.

Playing Chess Openings is my chess blog.

Peter: A model for following Jesus

Peter is a Bible study discussion guide on the life of Peter. Discover how to follow the Lord Jesus as Peter did. Jesus sees us fully, our failures, our flaws, and by faith our fabulous futures! This New Testament guide helps you figure that out. The author designed this book as small group Bible discussion guide. 51 scenes cover the life of Peter. The author describes each scene. Scripture references are included to allow you to look up the details more fully. 200 questions help you deepen your faith. These conversation starters help you discuss, ponder, or share your thoughts.

Read the book. Show up and participate. Have fun and learn. No homework is needed. Consider each scene, ask the questions and let friends share. You can follow Jesus and grow closer to him and each other at the same time. Open your mind to what God is saying. Let the Bible impact you. The advantage of doing an individual Bible study is that you can deal with private issues. The advantage of doing a group Bible study is that you progress more quickly in your walk of faith. Group discussions help you grow. They bring out new ideas that you may not think of by yourself. Watch Peter follow Jesus. Pick up pointers for your own life. Try this book!

Author Updates
Tim Sawyer Author Updates email covers updates on my books (not chess).

Chess Training Repertoire email sent at 11:45 AM Eastern time Thursday.

Playing Chess Openings is my chess blog.

Unpublished books

Writing and publishing is a learning experience. Many books do well. A few do not. Poor selling books mess up Amazon algorithms used to promote my other books. I don't want that. So, I have unpublished some of my earlier efforts.

Two such books are listed on Amazon because used copies can be sold. I have no plans to unpublish any other books, but there are no guarantees.

Hank & Flo On The Go: Hank & Flo
When Hank Met Flo: Hank & Flo

Author Updates
Tim Sawyer Author Updates email covers updates on my books (not chess).
Chess Training Repertoire email sent at 11:45 AM Eastern time Thursday.
Playing Chess Openings is my chess blog.

Saturday, May 6, 2017

The Alekhine Defense Playbook

The Alekhine Defense Playbook published in 2000 by Sid Pickard of Pickard & Son, Publishers. The book has 157 pages. The ten chapters in the book cover the critical variations with dense analysis of all lines. Thousands of games are added in the notes. This repertoire book for Black gives only one choice in each position.

All new copies sold out years ago, but used copies are available online. I created a companion game collection on CD which Sid Pickard sold on ChessCentral.

Author Updates
Tim Sawyer Author Updates email covers updates on my books (not chess).

Chess Training Repertoire email sent at 11:45 AM Eastern time Thursday.

Playing Chess Openings is my chess blog.

The Blackmar-Diemer Gambit Keybook II

The Blackmar-Diemer Gambit Keybook II was published in 1999 by Sid Pickard of Pickard & Son, Publishers. The book has 404 pages with 100 main games on the BDG. Thousands of games are in the notes. The original list price was $29.95 in paperback. All new copies sold out years ago, but used copies are available online.

Anatoly Karpov cited my book in his book on Queen Pawn Openings in Russian. A companion game collection on CD was sold by Sid Pickard on ChessCentral.

Author Updates
Tim Sawyer Author Updates email covers updates on my books (not chess).

Chess Training Repertoire email sent at 11:45 AM Eastern time Thursday.

Playing Chess Openings is my chess blog.

Friday, May 5, 2017

Alapin French: Tactics for White

Alapin French: Tactics for White was published by Thinkers' Press in 1995. The French Defence line follows 1.e4 e6 2.d4 d5 3.Be3. The Alapin-Diemer Gambit continues 3...dxe4 4.Nd2 Nf6 5.f3 exf3 6.Ngxf3. Play resembles the Blackmar-Diemer Gambit. The book covers alternatives for both sides in this variation.

The Alapin French book has 52 games with analysis and verbal explanations. Bob Long did a smaller print run of this specialized book. The Alapin French is a companion volume to Blackmar-Diemer Gambit Keybook was published by Thinkers' Press in 1992. Both books sold out. Used copies are sold online.

Author Updates
Tim Sawyer Author Updates email covers updates on my books (not chess).

Chess Training Repertoire email sent at 11:45 AM Eastern time Thursday.

Playing Chess Openings is my chess blog.

Thursday, May 4, 2017

Blackmar Diemer Gambit Keybook

Blackmar-Diemer Gambit Keybook was published by Thinkers' Press in 1992. This book provides a complete chess opening repertoire for White. I arranged the 700 complete games by variation to see what I covered.

Bob Long was patient as I took years to complete the book. He had to have the whole manuscript retyped. This BDG Keybook was the fourth best seller for the USCF according to the Chess Life catalog.

Author Updates
Tim Sawyer Author Updates email covers updates on my books (not chess).

Chess Training Repertoire email sent at 11:45 AM Eastern time Thursday.

Playing Chess Openings is my chess blog.

Meet Tim Sawyer author

I am Tim Sawyer. Thank you for checking out my site. I grew up in Maine. I lived in 20 years in New England, 20 years in Pennsylvania and more than 20 years in the southern United States. I have been married to Julie for 40 years.

My first published works appeared in "The Secret Place." This Baptist devotional booklet had a reading for each calendar day. They published two of my articles.

The Dayton Herald in Tennessee hired me as a sports writer in 1977 and quickly promoted me to sports editor once I proved I could do the work. My friend Tom Purser worked for that same weekly newspaper about a decade before I moved to Dayton. Purser served in the military when I wrote on sports.

I began to write on chess in the 1980s. I found Bob Long of Thinkers' Press by 1991. He published my first two paperback books.

Sid Pickard for Pickard & Son, Publishers did my next two paperback books. I also did several electronic book projects with Sid Pickard in the early 2000s which he sold on ChessCentral.

I returned to writing in 2015 when I discovered that I could self-publish books via Amazon. I did Kindle eBooks at first. Then I added paperbacks of several books through Createspace.

Author Updates
Tim Sawyer Author Updates email covers updates on my books (not chess).

Chess Training Repertoire email sent at 11:45 AM Eastern time Thursday.

Playing Chess Openings is my chess blog.